About the Partner of a Sex Addict
If you are the partner of an addict, there are some very common tendencies and behaviors that you may be experiencing. We want you to know that you are not alone, and that most partners of addicts experience denial, hurt, anger, and guilt. Some even feel responsible for their partner’s sexual compulsivity. It is important for you to know that your partner’s sexual acting out IS NOT YOUR FAULT. YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME! These two important concepts are covered in your treatment.Yes we recommend you come for treatment also. Even if your partner has not admitted to having a problem, or is not willing to enter into a recovery program we recommend that YOU come for help and healing. Now is a good time for you to reflect on your own life, and determine what changes you can make that will help you live a life full of peace and passion, and the happiness that you deserve.
When a spouse learns that her husband or loved one is involved in pornography and related compulsive sexual behaviors, she is flooded with distressing emotions. These include feelings of shock, anger, disgust, deep hurt and confusion. Women also experience intrusive and obsessing thoughts. These overwhelming emotions and obessive thoughts occur naturally as a result of the betrayal, trauma, and being blind sided by the disturbing information surrounding their spouses sexual secrets. Often times, the end result is impaired daily functioning and profound powerlessness. The most common request that women seek through therapy is a safe place to sort through this traumatic experience. Because most addicts are disconnected emotionally and tend to deny or minimize their problem, it is not very likely that the partner can consistently provide the safety and support necessary for healing. You need a support system! CLICK HERE to learn about the treatment process.